<%NUMBERING1%>.<%NUMBERING2%>.<%NUMBERING3%> PRTG Manual: View and Run Reports
In the web interface, click the Reports entry in the main menu to show the reports main screen. Click a report's name to select it. Using the reports tabs you can access all functionalities and settings for this report. Click the Go to all reports button at the bottom of the page to return to the list of Reports.

Report Tabs
This documentation refers to the PRTG System Administrator user accessing the Ajax interface on a master node. If you use other user accounts, interfaces, or nodes, you might not see all of the options in the way described here. If you use a cluster installation, note that failover nodes are read-only by default.
Run Now
On the Run Now tab you can execute a report immediately with the settings configured.
Report for
Define the time span covered by the report. Choose between:
- Current Period: Use monitoring data of the current period. The actual time span depends on the report period type defined in the report's settings. It can be today, this week, this month, or this year.
- Previous Period: Use monitoring data of the last period. The actual time span depends on the report period type defined in the report's settings. It can be yesterday, last week, last month, or last year.
- Select a Period: Use monitoring data of a period other than current or previous. Select below.
- Select Date Range Manually: Define a custom time span for the monitoring data that will be used. Set start and end date below.
Date Range
This selection is only visible if you enable the period option above. From the list, select a data range for which PRTG will generate the report. The shown time spans depend on the available monitoring data and on the report period type defined in the report's settings. It can be days, weeks, months, or years.
Start Date
This selection is only visible if you enable the date range option above. Define the begin of the time span for which PRTG will generate the report. Use the date time picker to enter the date and time. Make sure you define a valid period.
End Date
This selection is only visible if you enable the date range option above. Define the end of the time span for which PRTG will generate the report. Use the date time picker to enter the date and time. Make sure you define a valid period.
Quick Range
This selection is only visible if you enable the date range option above. Choose between different pre-defined ranges by simply clicking the desired range. Each click changes the Start and End Date fields above accordingly.
File Format and Delivery
Define how you want to view the report. Choose between:
- View Report as HTML: Directly view the report in your web browser. PRTG loads it in a new browser window or tab.
- Create and store PDF and data files (available for templates with data tables): Create a PDF file and, depending on the Data Files settings of the report, CSV and XML files of the report and store them. Once finished, you will find it in the Stored Reports tab and a ToDo ticket will be created. By default, PRTG sends out a notification email to the administrator in this case.
- Create PDF and data files (available for templates with data tables), store them, and send by email: Create a PDF file and CSV and XML files of the report, store the files, and send them via email once finished.
CSV and XML data files are only generated for report templates that include data tables.
To create PDF files, ensure the print spooler service is running on the system with your PRTG server.
Certain special characters, for example, 4-byte unicode characters, may not be displayed correctly in PDF reports. As workaround, generate an HTML report and save it as PDF.
For large PDF reports, PRTG automatically splits the output into separate files to avoid huge PDF files. You can change the number of sensors that PRTG includes into each PDF file by editing the report templates manually. For details, see this Knowledge Base article: Can I change the number of PDFs created by a report?
Target Email Address
This setting is only available if you define above to send the report by email. Enter a valid email address to which PRTG will send the report.
You can change the configuration for outgoing emails in the System Administration—Notification Delivery settings.
This setting is only available if you define above to send the report by email. Define if you want to compress the attached report files before sending. Choose between:
- Send files uncompressed: PRTG will not compress the report files before they are sent by email but send the files in their original size.
- Send all in one ZIP file: PRTG will compress the report files to a ZIP file before they are sent by email.
Click the Run Report button to start report generation. Depending on the number of selected sensors, this may take a while. If you experience a long waiting time when generating HTML reports for immediate view, please consider using one of the PDF options. You can then view the report as soon as it has finished.
Any sensor graph in your report will only show the channels that are enabled via the Show in Graphs option in the Sensor Graph Settings of the corresponding sensor.
Reports cannot show uptime or downtime data for the Sensor Factory Sensor.
Stored Reports
In the Stored Reports tab you can view all PDF reports and data files created in the past. Click a name to open the report. Reports are stored until they are deleted according to the data purging settings of your PRTG configuration. You can set data purging limits for reports in the System Administration—Core & Probes settings.
Other Tabs
For all other tabs, please see the Report Settings section.
Knowledge Base: Can I change the number of PDFs created by a report?
Knowledge Base: Why is there missing data in historical data reports?